CAM Assist can now run in the background
Before clicking ‘Run’ in CAM Assist, just check the ‘Enable background execution’ checkbox and you'll be free to continue other work within Fusion.
Note: you must not edit the targets setup(s) as it will have an impact on the result of CAM Assist's toolpath strategy computation.
Other features
Stock removal prediction.
The state of the 'Detail roughing' and 'Hole patching' checkboxes is persistent.
Hide hole patching bodies by default to improve user experience.
Email in sign-up form is populated automatically based on Stripe / Autodesk authentication.
UI changes to remove ‘360’ from the product.
Tool Use tab now supports T-slot cutters.
Connect all connected walls into a single toolpath op where possible.‘Geometry selection’ is now next to ‘Machine Full Part’ checkbox.
Update to documentation link.
Tooltip improvement for ‘Avoidance Geometry’.
3+2 Machining mode
Roughing Order - CAM Assist now respects the order (if you wish) of the faces you select when completing 3+2 roughing strategies.
Ability to select hole axis as a direction of tool orientation.
Rename ‘By Setup’ to ‘User Defined’ to improve user experience.
Other improvements
Tooltip improvement for ‘Avoidance Geometry’.
Update to documentation link.
UI changes to remove ‘360’ from the product.
‘Geometry selection’ is now next to ‘Machine Full Part’ checkbox.
Hide hole patching bodies by default to improve user experience.
The checkbox state of the 'Detail roughing' and 'Hole patching' is persistent.
Email in sign-up form is populated automatically based on Stripe / Autodesk authentication.
Issues causing frequent Error 100 have been resolved.
If spot drilling fails, CAM Assist will continue to create hole making operations.
Spot drilling enabled no longer causes the toolpath strategy to miss some chamfer operations.
MacOS installer automatic update resolved.
Bulk roughing clears the center of a spigot.