The ‘General’ section enables you to specify the environment in which machining will take place, and edit the properties of the milling machine.
The layout of the ‘General’ section changes depending on your action for the following:
Machine - clicking the drop-down arrow for the Machine displays a set of properties that CAM Assist needs to compute a toolpath strategy.
Machining mode - CAM Assist provides two modes:
3 Axis
3+2 Axis
Machining direction - this is displayed only when the selected machining mode is 3+2 Axis.
For information on each of these features, see below.
‘Machine parameters’ section of the General Tab is expandable/collapsible; it contains the following:
Machine settings
Machining mode selection
Machine settings
The following table describes each feature in the ‘General’ ‘Machine parameters' section, as shown in the screenshot above screenshots.
Description |
Tool library
The Mastercam tool library to use within CAM Assist.
Tool Summary
Shows a summary of the tool, including the following:
Number of tools - the number of tools in the selected ‘Tool Library’.
Number of tool for material - the number of tools in the selected ‘Tool library’ that can be used on the selected ‘Stock material’.
Stock material
CAM Assist will select tools, machining strategies, and cut parameters based on the selected material.
For a full list of materials that you can use in CAM Assist, see Supported Materials.
How to Use |
Shows the machine that will be used for the part. The machine is configured within Mastercam but there is a set of properties that CAM Assist requires to compute toolpath strategies. |
Follow the instructions to the right to check/amend the CAM Assist ‘Machine properties’. |
Machining mode
For more information on both Machining modes, see Machining Modes in the 'How-to Guides’.
Machining Direction
For information, see Machining Modes
Depending on which Machining mode is selected, the layout of the ‘Machine parameters’ section changes, as shown in the following side-by-side screenshots.
Layout if the ‘3 Axis’ Machining mode is selected
Layout if the ‘3+2 Axis’ Machining mode is selected
3+2 Machining mode choices
As can be seen from the above screenshot, CAM Assist provides the following 3+2 Machining mode choices:
3+2 Axis - if selected then a Machining direction is required:
Aligned to X, Y, Z axes - the tool orientation will use the +X, -X, +Y, -Y, and +Z axes coordinates from the part model.
User defined - the tool orientation comes from the orientation specified by the user. When this selection is made, additional controls in the Setup orientation section.
Automatic - automatic 3+2 strategies are in preview state. Access to this functionality is available on request.
Info |
For detailed step-by-step instructions on using all four choices, see Machining modes in the 'How-to |
Guides' section. |