Using the Tool Use Table

Using the Tool Use Table

The Tool Use table is the main feature of the ‘Tool use’ tab.

You can use the table for the following:

  • Suitability - checking the suitability of your Fusion tool library’s configuration for use with CAM Assist (see below), which includes:

    • Identifying which Fusion cutting data presets are associated with specific tools in your ‘Tool library’ and match CAM Assist’s ‘preset naming format’.

    • Identifying which Fusion cutting data presets are associated with specific operations for those tools and match CAM Assist’s ‘preset naming format’.

    • Identifying which tools and operations have cutting data presets that do not match CAM Assist’s ‘preset naming format’.

    • Identify configuration issues within your Fusion tool library.

  • Control - controlling which tools and operations CAM Assist is ‘allowed’ to use to compute toolpath strategies (see below).

Overview video

You may find it useful to watch the following video that provides an overview of the information contained within the rest of this page:

How to Get the Most from the ‘Tool Use' table

‘Tool use’ table

Checking the suitability of your Fusion tool library

The ‘Tool use’ table is the go-to tool for checking the suitability of your Fusion Tool Library for use with CAM Assist.

For suitability, you can use the ‘Tool use’ table to check:

The above information is contained within the tooltip of ‘4-state' buttons located in the ‘Allowed Materials' and ‘Allowed Operations’ columns (see below).

Check cutting data

To magnify any image/screenshot, just click on it.

A blue border means that CAM Assist has matched at least one cutting data preset to the Preset Name Format.
In the screenshot to the right, for tool ‘22101’:

  • A button with a blue border indicates CAM Assist has matched at least one Fusion cutting data preset for the tool:

    • All operations for the tool have a blue border - this means CAM Assist has matched a Fusion cutting data preset for each operation.

    • To see which Fusion cutting data preset CAM Assist has matched, hover over the button to see its tooltip.

Tooltip for ‘22101’ Roughing (R) has a blue border


A button without a blue border indicates CAM Assist has not matched any Fusion cutting data presets for the tool.

In the screenshot to the right, for tool ‘22105’:

  • The operations (Fl)(Wa)(HB) do not have a blue border - this means CAM Assist will generate cutting data for those operations if they are used when computing toolpath strategies.

  • To see what action CAM Assist will take, hover over the button to see its tooltip.


Check for ‘allowed’ materials and operations

You can quickly check which tools are allowed to be used on the ‘Stock material’ and all relevant operations.

  • A green button in the ‘Allowed Materials’ column indicates that CAM Assist is ‘allowed’ to use the tool for the selected ‘Stock material’.

  • A green button in the ‘Allowed Operations’ column indicates that CAM Assist is ‘allowed’ to use the tool for the specific operation.

  • A grey button indicates that CAM Assist is ‘not allowed’ to use the tool for the selected ‘Stock material’ and/or the specific operation.

    • The tooltip reflects the ‘not allowed’ status.

Check the ‘Status’ of tools

You can easily check if there is a Fusion configuration issue with any tool in the tool library.

  • An exclamation inside an orange button in the ‘Status’ column indicates there is a Fusion configuration issue with the associated tool.

    • To see what Fusion parameter is causing the issue, hover over the button to see its tooltip.

Controlling which tools are used by CAM Assist

You control whether or not CAM Assist is ‘allowed’ to use a tool on the material or for specific operations.
Just click on a 4-state button to change it’s color:

  • Green - CAM Assist is allowed to use the tool/operation.

  • Grey - CAM Assist is not allowed to use the tool/operation.

For an illustration, see the example scenario, below.

Key information - ‘Allowed’ and ‘Enabled’

In the example scenario (see below), tool ‘22102’ is used for:

  • Roughing - associated with the ‘Roughing’ toolpath type

  • Flat finishing and Wall finishing - associated with the ‘Finishing’ toolpath type

  • Helical boring - associated the ‘Hole making’ toolpath type

The checkbox for each of those 'Toolpath types' must be checked in the ‘Advanced' tab to enable CAM Assist to use the tool for the associated operation.

Example scenario to illustrate the difference between ‘Allowed’ and ‘Not allowed’

Step 1 - Tool ‘22102’ is allowed to be used by CAM Assist

in CAM Assist’s ‘Tool use’ tab, tool ‘22102’ is green. This means that CAM Assist is allowed use tool ‘22102’ for all operations, including Flat Finishing (Fl).

After clicking ‘Run’ in CAM Assist, you can see, in the Fusion ‘Browser’, that tool ‘22102’ has been used for ‘Flat’.

Step 2 - Tool ‘22102’ is not allowed to be used by CAM Assist

Now, back in CAM Assist, the 4-state button for Flat finishing (Fl) is clicked to set it to ‘not allowed’ (grey). This means that CAM Assist is ‘allowed’ to use tool ‘22102’ but not for Flat Finishing (Fl).

After clicking ‘Run’ in CAM Assist, you can see in the Fusion ‘Browser’ that tool ‘22102’ has not been used for ‘Flat’. Instead, tool ‘22151’ is used.

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