Opening the Cutting Parameters Explorer

Opening the Cutting Parameters Explorer

The Cutting Parameters Explorer provides recommendations for a tool associated with an operation toolpath selected from Siemen NX’s ‘Geometry View’.
Therefore, before you can see/adjust the recommendations, the Toolpath view must first have been populated with a toolpath strategy that was computed by CAM Assist for a selected part.

How to open the Cutting Parameters Explorer

To open the Cutting Parameters Explorer, take the following steps:

  1. Create a CloudNC CAM Assist toolpath strategy (see Get Started with CAM Assist).

  2. Open Siemens NX’s ‘Geometry View' - it contains the toolpath strategy from Step 1.

  3. Within the Geometry View, select a supported operation toolpath (as shown in the top screenshot to the right).

  4. In the CAM Assist ribbon (in the CAM Assist menu), click on the Cutting Parameters Explorer icon (as shown in the bottom screenshot to the right).

The Cutting Parameters Explorer now opens and is populated with information relating to the selected operation and associated tool.

For more introductory information, see Inputs and Recommendations.
For a detailed examination of the Cutting Parameters Explorer, see the Features and Functionality section.


Geometry View - showing a selected ‘Roughing’ Operation
CAM Assist ribbon



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