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The following FAQs (Frequently asked Questions) come from CAM Assist users. They may provide first-step answers to your questions or issues. If you can’t find the answer to your question/issue here, please contact Product Support.

What is CAM Assist

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CloudNC's 'CAM Assist' is a cloud-based software solution for CAM programming of 3-Axis and 3+2 Axis prismatic parts.

CAM Assist is currently available as an add-on to users on macOS or Windows with a Fusion 360 license.

CAM Assist can instantly produce machining strategies, support reduction in CAM programming time, enable resource efficiency, and support new CAD/CAM users with onboarding.


titleClick here to show/hide the answer

Take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the folder:

    • C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX2206\UGII\menus

  2. Right-click on custom_dirs.dat (custom_dirs) and select ‘Properties’ (- see the screenshot to the right).

  3. In the pop-up menu, select Properties.


In the ‘Properties’ dialog:

  1. Open the Security tab (see the screenshot to the right).

  2. Click Advanced.


Adding a User:

  1. Type a valid username in the box and click Check Names.

  2. Click on the added user and ensure they have the relevant permissions

    • The user needs ‘Write’ access to the file.

  3. With the relevant permissions set, click OK.

