The Cutting Parameters Explorer provides recommendations for a tool associated with an operation toolpath selected from Siemen NX’s ‘Geometry View’.
Therefore, before you can see/adjust the recommendations, the Toolpath view must first have been populated with a toolpath strategy that was computed by CAM Assist for a selected part.
How to open the Cutting Parameters Explorer
To open the Cutting Parameters Explorer, take the following steps:
Create a CloudNC CAM Assist toolpath strategy (see Get Started with CAM Assist).
Open Siemens NX’s ‘Geometry View' - it contains the toolpath strategy from Step 1.
Within the Geometry View, select a supported operation toolpath (as shown in the top screenshot to the right).
In the CAM Assist ribbon, click on the Cutting Parameters Explorer icon the operation toolpath - a pop-up menu is displayed.
From the pop-up menu, select Cutting Parameters Explorer:
The option is at the bottom of the pop-up menu (see the screenshot to the right).
The Cutting Parameters Explorer now opens.
For a detailed looked at the Cutting Parameters Explorer, see Features and Functionality.