Features and Functionality‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

Features and Functionality‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

Before continuing, if you’re not familiar with the Cycle Time Estimator, it’s recommended you take a look at the Introduction and Overview.

Features and Functionality

To magnify any image/screenshot, just click it.

The following screenshot shows the layout and features of the Cycle Time Estimator.

Cycle Time Estimator

The features of the Cycle Time Estimator are listed in the following table.





Top banner

Contains the add-on title ‘Cycle Time Estimator’.

The Cycle Time Estimator can be collapsed and expanded (in the same way as other aspects of Fusion’s user interface)

4 Tabs

The Cycle Time Estimator presents its features and functionality via a set of four tabs (as shown in the above screenshot):

  • Upload - enables you to:

    • Upload up to 10 Fusion part files.

    • Configure the machining environment.

  • Cycle Times Estimates - presents the results of the cycle time estimates, which is populated after clicking Run.

  • Report - provides a summary report of the cycle time estimate, which is created after clicking Run.

  • Export - enables you to export any of the Cycle Time Estimates, as a CSV (comma-separated values) file, to a designated folder.

For more information on each of the tabs, click on the tab’s name in the above bullet point list.

Bottom banner

Contains the following:

  • Run - creates a cycle time estimate, and a toolpath strategy, based on the specified ‘Options’, for each of the Fusion part files that have been uploaded/selected.

  • Cancel - cancels and closes all choices made within the Cycle Times Estimator and returns to Fusion.

Resize and reposition


To resize CAM Assist, click and drag any edge of its interface to the required size (the resize icon will be displayed when the action is available).


To reposition CAM Assist, drag the top banner to the desired position: it can be docked within the Fusion interface.




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