Copy of Using the Cycle Time Estimator
This page provides step-by-step instructions on using the Cycle Time Estimator to create estimates for a batch of four Fusion part files.
The instructions take you through the entire process, which includes the following:
Checking the progress of the Cycle Time Estimator’s computations
Examining the Cycle Time Estimator’s computed toolpath strategies in Fusion
Though the example used here makes use of just four specific Fusion part files, you can use the Cycle Time Estimator with up to 10 Fusion part files of your choice.
Key points
While using the Cycle Time Estimator, there are a couple of key points to keep in mind:
1 part per file - each Fusion part file contains the configuration for 1 part.
Part files do not need defined setups - this applies to all part files that are selected in the Cycle Time Estimator.
If Setups are defined within any of the files then the Cycle Time Estimator will use them.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Opening the Cycle Time Estimator
2. Selecting Fusion part files
Click Click here to select files
A Fusion ‘Select parts for which you want to estimate cycle times’ dialogue appears.
Select a file from one of your Fusion project folders.
The file is displayed in the ‘selecting files’ list.
When selecting files:
If all of the files you intend to select are in the same folder then you can use CTRL + click to select all files at once. If the files are different folders then you will have to repeat steps 2-3 for each folder.
3. Configuring the Cycle Time Estimator
Setting the ‘Options’ for the machining environment
Tool library - select a tool library from the drop-down list.
Stock material - select a material from the drop-down list.
Machine - select a machine from the drop-down list.
Edit machine properties - see How to Edit machine properties.
Machining mode - select one of the following:
3-Axis - note that if the part file does not contain a setup then the approach direction is +Z.
3+2 Axis - the Cycle Time Estimator uses the Machining direction ‘Aligned to X, Y, Z axes’, where the tool orientation for the toolpath strategy covers all axes (+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, and -Z).
Click Run.
For more information, see the main Upload tab page
4. Checking the progress of the Cycle Time Estimator’s computations
After clicking Run, the following events take place:
Fusion tabs - a Fusion tab is created for each part you selected in the Cycle Time Estimator (see Fusion tab, below).
Toolpath strategy computation - the Cycle Time Estimator populates each of the Fusion tabs with a computed toolpath strategy.
A Progress dialog is displayed to keep you informed of the progress of the computation.
Fusion tabs
The screenshot above shows four Fusion tabs that correspond to the Fusion part files selected in Cycle Time Estimator’s Upload tab (Step 2, above).
Toolpath strategy computation
While the Cycle Time Estimator is computing a toolpath strategy for each of the parts, it displays the progress dialog (see the image to the right) for your information.
The Progress dialog features two buttons
Cancel - cancels the Run just actioned and returns control to Fusion.
No toolpath strategies or cycle time estimations are computed by the Cycle Time Estimator in this instance.
Hide - hides the progress dialog.
The Cycle Estimator will continue to compute and populate the toolpath strategies for each Fusion part.
The screenshot to the right shows the progress for each of the parts selected in the Upload tab. Note that the Cycle Time Estimator can compute toolpath strategies for up to 10 parts at the same time.
5. Saving the ‘Cycle Time Estimation’ report
When the Cycle Time Estimator has finished its cycle time estimation and toolpath strategy computations, it displays the Time Estimation Report dialog (see the image to the right).
The dialog contains two buttons:
Yes - opens a Windows save dialog that enables you to choose the location to save the ‘Cycle Time Estimation’ report.
Specify the location of the estimation report
Click ‘Save’ - the Cycle Time Estimation report is saved to the specified location.
No - closes the dialog without saving the report.
Example ‘Cycle Time Estimation’ report
6. Examining the Cycle Time Estimator’s computed toolpath strategies in Fusion
When the Cycle Time Estimator has finished computing the toolpath strategy and time estimates for all of the selected Fusion part files, you can examine the computed strategies it has computed by clicking on any of the Fusion part tabs.
The following screenshot shows an opened example Fusion part tab ('Ring with Holes v8').
7. Examining the result of cycle time estimations
Step 6 shows how the Cycle Time Estimator created a toolpath strategy for each of the example Fusion part files. This step details how to examine the results of the actual cycle time estimations.
The Cycle Time Estimator shows the results of the completed estimations using two of its tabs:
To see how both tabs are used with the four example Fusion part files, see below.
Cycle Time Estimates tab
The Cycle Estimates tab shows the estimated time to complete each operation for all toolpath strategies that were computed in Step 6. It does this by breaking down the toolpath strategy into its component operations, in the same manner as use in Fusion’s Browser.
The screenshot to the right shows the expanded operation-level breakdown for the Fusion part file ‘Ring with Holes’.
The tab expanded time breakdown shows:
The complete estimated time (33 minutes and 49 seconds)
The time to complete the Facing operation (2 minutes and 48 seconds)
The time to complete the roughing phase of the Facing operation, using tool #12701 (27 seconds).
All other estimates for each operation/tool use.
Report tab
The Report tab shows a report summary for each of the selected Fusion part files.
The screenshot to the right shows the expanded report summary for the Fusion part file ‘Ring with Holes’.
8. Exporting the cycle time estimations ‘Summary’ report
The Export tab enables you to export a Summary report of the cycle time estimation for any Fusion part files that is checked here.
The screenshot to the right shows the four Fusion part files used in this example (in screenshot, all of the Fusion part file have their selection box checked.
To export the Summary report, take the following steps:
Check the box for the required Fusion part files.
Specify the Quantity for each Fusion part file.
Click Export.
A Windows save dialog is opened that enables you to choose the location to save the cycle time estimation Summary report.
Specify the location of the estimation report.
Click ‘Save’ - the export file is saved to the specified location.
Example ‘Summary’ report