How to Export a Built-in Sample Toolset

How to Export a Built-in Sample Toolset

This guide takes you through the process of exporting a built-in sample toolset (tool library) to create a local tool library that can be customized.

The ‘[Built-in] CAM Assist Sample Tools’, available from the General tab, cannot be customized. Exporting a toolset creates a ‘Local’ copy within Fusion, which can then be customized using the Fusion Tool Library.

Step-by-step instructions

For an illustration of the following step-by-step instructions, see the YouTube video: How to Export a Built-in Sample Toolset.

Within the Fusion ‘Manufacture’ workspace:

  1. Expand the CAM Assist panel.

  2. Hover over the ‘Export Toolset’ option and select a ‘built-in’ toolset to export.

  3. Inside the ‘Info’ dialog, click ‘OK’.

The export is now available in the ‘Local’ folder of the the Fusion Tool Library.

CAM Assist panel