Creating Your First Part

The following step-by-step instructions will help you to setup a part from a step (.stp) file then run CAM Assist for Mastercam.

The instructions are split into the following sections:

Step-by-step instructions

Opening STEP files in Mastercam

  1. Open Mastercam

  2. Select the Open icon image-20240503-142756.png (or use CTRL + O)

    • This displays the ‘Open dialog’.

Within the Open dialog:

  1. Change the file type to ‘STEP Files (*.stp;*.step;*.stpnc)’

  2. Navigate to the relevant folder and select the step file.

See the screenshot to the right.

  1. Click Open

    • The part opens in Mastercam.

Open dialog - File type is ‘Step Files’

Creating a Machine Group

Within Mastercam:

  1. Open the ‘Machine’ tab.

  2. From the ‘Mill’ option, select Default

    • This should open a toolpath tree with a default Machine group.

  3. Expand ‘Properties’

    1. You’ll see a folder called ‘Files’ (expand the machine group if this is not visible).

See the screenshot to the right.


Mastercam - Default Machine Group

Using the Machine Group Setup

  1. Double-click Files

    1. This opens the Machine Group Setup.

  2. From the options on the left of the Machine Group Setup, click Master Model.

    • It’s the second icon from the top.

  3. Click Add from selection

    • It’s the icon to the left of the red X.

See the screenshot to the right.

  1. Select the part.

    • The part is highlighted

  1. Click End Selection

    • The ‘Selection’ textbox is populated ('PARTBODY')


Specifying the Stock Setup

  1. From the options on the left of the Machine Group Setup, click Stock Setup.

    • It’s the third icon from the top.

  2. Click Create rectangular stock.

    • it’s the section option from the left.

  1. Select the part.

    • The part is highlighted.

  2. Click End Selection.

    • This will create stock at the part bounding box.


Saving the Setup

  1. To save your setup, click the green checkmark.

    • It’s near the top-right corner of the Machine Group Setup.


[Optional] - Creating subsequent setups

  • Right click ‘Machine Group-1’

    • A pop-up is displayed

From within the pop-up:

  • Select Groups →New Machining group → Mill

This should create a new machine group.

Configure the part (and optionally fixtures), as above.