Release Notes

This page provides a record of all the features, improvements, and bug fixes contained within CAM Assist for Mastercam releases.



Release date: 13 September 2024

  • Soft Jaws Designer, preview state. A preview of the Soft Jaws Designer feature. Note - full functionality not assured for this release.



Release date: 9 September 2024



  • New support for Multiple Tool Libraries

    • Multiple tool libraries can now be selected on the General tab

    • Up to five (5) tool libraries can be selected

    • Note - a large amount of available tools may have performance effects on CAM Assist

  • New Material selection workflow

    • Materials are now selected in the Tool Use tab

    • Stock material and Stock material alloy now used to define material

    • Material selection now synchronized to the selections available in Cutting Parameters Explorer

    • This effectively triples the number of default materials that can be used with CAM Assist

    • Material selection now persistent

    • Note - For user-defined Presets, use Generic alloy

Material by Alloy.png


  • Control of toolpath generation

    • In the Advanced tab control of when toolpaths are generated now available

    • If Toolpath Generation is set to ‘Ask each time,' a confirmation message will ask the user if they want to generate at the conclusion of CAM Assist.

    • This feature allows users the opportunity to have control of the toolpaths generated by CAM Assist, without waiting for all of them to generate in Mastercam first


  • Tool Change Time in Cycle Time Estimation

    • Tool change times are now part of the Cycle Time Estimation results. These variables are entered into the Machine Configuration section of of the Cycle Time Estimator.

    • Note - this feature is only available for Mastercam 2025.


  • Cycle Time Estimations can be ‘stacked’

    • With each run of the Cycle Time Estimator, results will accumulate. This allows for an estimator to run multiple cycles of the tool, adding estimation sequences

    • In the Cycle Time Estimates tab of the Cycle Time Estimator, there is now a ‘Clear all’ button, this clears off results so that a new round of estimates can be generated.

    • Note - this feature is only available for Mastercam 2025.



  • Cutting Parameters now supports Helical Boring

    • Helical boring (hole making, finishing) operations are now supported in the Cutting Parameters Explorer.


  • In-app update notices

    • For subsequent updates to CAM Assist, user notifications will appear within the add-on interface.


Bug fixes

  • Better support for units (inch and mm)

    • Cutting Parameters Explorer now opens in units defined by file Configuration, not just millimetres

    • Files no longer change units when CAM Assist is opened. This was evident for some post-processors.

    • Rounding of imperial units is more appropriate in various parts of the UI

  • Improved cancellation responsiveness. When cancelling CAM Assist operations, the software is more responsive.

  • Various minor bug fixes and UI fixes


Release date: 1 August 2024


  • Renamed the ‘Network section’ to ‘Network setting’ (see the Advanced tab).

  • Added more detail to message in the network section to: ‘Please note the following settings only take effect on subsequent runs of CAM Assist. After editing these settings, cancel and reopen CAM Assist. The settings will persist for all future sessions’.

  • Improved the feedback to the user when encountering issues with network connection.

  • Improved the visualization of tool holders in the simulation to better match the Mastercam default simulation functionality.

  • Changed the way we handle the persistence of avoidance geometries:

    • CAM Assist now users Mastercam’s 3rd part data handler instead of the comment fields in the machine group.

    • This means that it now correctly renders in the user interface and does not overwrite user comments.

  • Removed the fail on errors functionality and set proceed on errors as the default setting.

  • Entry positions have been improved for wall operations.

Bug fixes

  • Performance for creating hole patches on roughing operations has been improved.

  • General performance around calculation times has been improved. Parts that took more than 5 minutes to calculate in the last release are on average more than 3 times faster in this release.

  • CAM Assist no longer freezes when user clicks “Test Network Settings” with no connection available. We now show the correct status message and there is no performance impact.

  • The color of the selected avoidance geometry is now restored once CAM Assist is opened and it will disappear when CAM Assist is closed.


Release date: 22 July 2024

New features

Bug fixes

  • Fixed using incorrect height settings for hole making operations

  • Fixed using an incorrect machine file for the second demo part


Release date: 8 July 2024

New features

  • This is the first release version of CAM Assist for Mastercam 2025

    • This release encompasses previous beta versions

  • Tool usages tab now explicitly mentions Tool assemblies and not Tools

  • Network status section in managed UI

  • Improved support for unit relevant persistent fields

  • Avoidance geometry selection is now persistent

Bug fixes

  • Improved error handling for non-fatal cases

  • Fixed bug with hole making target face selections

  • Fixed support for inch/mm for ‘Stock to leave’ parameters

  • Fixed retract heights for deburring and hole making operations

  • Fixed bug in Avoidance geometries that resulted in a crash when running in debug mode

  • Added missing unit conversion for Feed plane height parameter in 2D area mill operations

  • Added filter to prevent sending meshes as avoidance geometries as they are not supported

  • Pass avoidance geometries instead of obstructions as protected stock for deburring operations

Previous ‘Beta’ releases

Beta v2

New features

  • Enable the user to specify the source of their cutting data

  • Greyed out unsupported material

Bug fixes

  • Improvements to Hole making (yes, you can make holes in 2025 )

  • Improvements to Flat Finishing operations

  • Improvements to Roughing

  • Improvements to unwanted error reporting

Beta v1

New Features

  • Created a Mastercam 2025 version of the add-in

    • User Interface is integrated using latest Mastercam look and feel

  • Created an uninstaller

  • Added imperial demo parts

  • Added support for user-selected avoidance geometry in toolpath mapping

  • Made the default toolset unit aware

Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect retract heights for deburring operations

  • Fixed not supporting partially specified hole patches

  • Fixed invalid stepdown and stock adjustment values

  • Fixed incorrect clearance heights for roughing operations

  • Fixed incorrectly rotating open chains

  • Fixed incorrect default back feed rate

  • Fixed leftover stock in Demo part 2