Generate Avoidance Geometry

Generate Avoidance Geometry


CloudNC Generate Avoidance geometry is part of the CAM Assist for Fusion add-on suite.

Avoidance geometry blocks out portions of the stock that don’t need to be machined for the specified Fusion ‘Setup’ of a part.

These ‘blocked out’ portions (avoidance geometry) are different from fixture bodies. While fixture bodies MUST be avoided, the Avoidance Geometry is considered part of the stock and may be gouged in specific cases. For example, drilling a through hole may pierce the avoidance geometry but not the fixture. Fixture bodies also require clearance from any tool, whereas all roughing tools may touch the surface of the avoidance geometry.

The CloudNC ‘Generate Avoidance Geometry’ add-on (available from the CAM Assist panel) generates this geometry for you in just a few clicks.

Once generated, the avoidance geometry portion of the stock can be seen in the ‘Models → Bodies’ section of the Fusion Browser and is utilized in the ‘General’ tab of CloudNC CAM Assist (see below).

For step-by-step instructions, see the tutorial Using the Generate Avoidance Geometry Add-on.

Layout and Features

The Generate Avoidance Geometry add-on’s layout contains two sections, as shown in the following table.





Top banner

Contains the title ‘Generate Avoidance geometry’.

Generate Avoidance Geometry can be collapsed and expanded in the same way as other aspects of Fusion’s user interface.

About CAM Assist

Shows the version number (also see the ‘About’ option of the CAM Assist Panel).

Target setups

The setups within this section are the ones associated with the part to be machined, as listed in the Fusion Browser.

Bottom banner

Contains the following:

  • Generate - generates avoidance geometry for the selected ‘Setup(s)’icon (white 'i' inside a black circle) - opens this User Guide.

  • Cancel - cancels the current action and closes the add-on (avoidance geometry is not generated). Focus is returned to Fusion.


Generate Avoidance Geometry (with selected ‘Setup’)


Related content

Tutorial: Using the Generate Avoidance Geometry Add-on
Tutorial: Using the Generate Avoidance Geometry Add-on
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