CloudNC CAM Assist Background Execution

CloudNC CAM Assist Background Execution

The ‘CloudNC CAM Assist Background Execution' section of the General Tab can be used to enable/disable CAM Assist computation to run in the background:

  • Checked (enable background execution) - after clicking Run, CAM Assist will execute in the background, enabling you to continue using Fusion while toolpath strategies for the targeted setup(s) are being computed (see If background execution is enabled, below)

  • Unchecked (disable background execution) - after clicking Run, you will have to wait until CAM Assist’s computation has finished before you can use Fusion.

‘CloudNC CAM Assist Background Execution’ section

If background execution is checked

After clicking Run, a popup is displayed that contains the progress of CAM Assist’s execution.

The popup contains two buttons:

  • Cancel - cancels CAM Assist’s Run and does not populate the respective ‘setup’ branch(es) of Fusion’s Browser.

  • Hide - hides the popup. CAM Assist will continue to execute in the background and will populate the respective ‘setup’ branch(es) of Fusion’s Browser (see Execution in progress, below).

You can continue to use Fusion while CAM Assist executes in the background.

If you have chosen to use ‘background execution’, please do not edit/modify the targeted setup(s) as it will have an impact on the result of the computation.

‘Background execution’ popup

Execution in progress

If, in the background execution popup, you clicked ‘Hide’ you will no longer see the popup.

To show it again while CAM Assist still has the same execution in progress:

  • Select ‘Execution in progress’ from the top of the CAM Assist panel.

  • The popup will be displayed until it is finished or you click one of its buttons.

‘Execution in progress’ is only displayed in the CAM Assist panel if you have checked the background execution checkbox and then clicked ‘Hide’.


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