CAM Assist's Layout

The following screenshot shows the main layout and features of CloudNC CAM Assist for Siemens NX.

CAM Assist’s layout - showing the Setup tab

As shown in the screenshot above, CAM Assist’s main layout has the following features.

Layout Feature


Layout Feature


Top banner

Contains the following:

  • image-20240701-115016.png - Siemens NX ‘Dialog Options’ for the CAM Assist add-on.

  • “CAM Assist”

  • image-20240701-115925.png - resets CAM Assist to it’s default layout.

  • image-20240701-120159.png - displays the Siemens NX ‘Simcenter 3D Solutions’ help documentation.

  • image-20240701-120426.png - closes the CAM Assist add-on.

5 Tabs

CAM Assist's presents its core features and functionality via a set of five tabs:

  • Setup - essential ‘setup’ information that must be completed.

  • Machine - configure and manage CNC machine properties.

  • Tools - select the stock material and tool source.

  • Tool Usages:

    • Review tools in the selected tool library.

    • Adjust how each tool is allowed to be used by CAM Assist

    • Identify issues with the configuration of the selected ‘Tool source’

  • Operations - settings that enable you to control the manner in which CAM Assist generates toolpath strategies

Bottom banner

Contains the following:

  • OK - creates a toolpath strategy for the selected part (based on the choices made within t he 5 tabs).

  • Cancel - cancels all choices made within CAM Assist for the selected part, closes CAM Assist, and returns to Fusion.

Resize and reposition


CAM Assist can be resized to whatever is most convenient. The size is stored when CAM Assist is closed and reused the next time it’s opened.

To resize CAM Assist, click and drag any edge of its interface to the required size (the resize icon will be displayed when the action is available).


CAM Assist can be positioned anywhere within the desktop (it is not confined to the Siemens NX window).

To reposition CAM Assist, drag the top banner to the desired position.