Operations Tab

Operations Tab


The Tool Usages tab contains the following sections:


Tooltips contain useful information on the purpose and use of features within the Tools tab. To see a tooltip, just hover over a feature.


For more details on each of the above features, see below


Face milling


The Face milling section contains a ‘Facing operations’ checkbox that is used to configure CAM Assist to compute Facing operations (for Rouging and Finishing):

  • Checked - CAM Assist will compute Facing toolpaths using a Face Mill or End Mill to face off the part.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not compute Facing toolpaths for the part.


The Roughing section contains a collection of controls that are used to configure CAM Assist to compute Roughing operations.



How to Use



How to Use

Bulk roughing

  • Checked - CAM Assist will compute Roughing toolpaths to efficiently remove the bulk of the stock material around the part.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not compute any Roughing toolpaths.

    • You must manually create Roughing toolpaths to clear the stock for the Finishing operations.


The following features are only available if ‘Bulk roughing’ is checked.

Detailed roughing

  • Checked - CAM Assist will compute detailed Roughing toolpaths that have a fine stepdown and ensure that freeform features are adequately roughed out.

    • Using this strategy can be computationally expensive and may involve longer toolpath generation times than other methods.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not compute detailed Roughing toolpaths.

Click the checkbox to check/uncheck it.

Hole patching

  • Checked - CAM Assist will use ‘Bodies’ to fill in holes to prevent Roughing passes from attempting to cut into them.

    • This can be important for efficiency and ensuring surface finish and part tolerances.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not prevent Roughing passes from cutting into holes.

Click the checkbox to check/uncheck it.


The wall stock to leave after roughing operations.

  1. Click in the textbox

  2. Amend the value as required

The new value is saved automatically.


The floor stock to leave after roughing operations.

  1. Click the textbox

  2. Amend the value as required

The new value is saved automatically.




How to Use



How to Use

Finishing operation roughing

  • Checked - CAM Assist will compute toolpaths to finish the part.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not compute any Finishing toolpaths:

    • Detailed roughing and Hole patching are unchecked and disabled.

    • You must manually create Roughing toolpaths to clear the stock for the Finishing operations.

Click the checkbox to check/uncheck it.

The following features are only available if ‘Finishing operations’ is checked.

Use two tools for large flat areas

  • Checked:

    • Uses a combination of bigger and smaller End mills for large flat areas in order to reduce the machining time.

    • This is done by large flat areas that are fully machinable by the smaller End mill and partially machinable by the bigger End mill.

  • Unchecked - use one tool for large flat areas.

Click the checkbox to check/uncheck it.

Generate operations for partially machinable flat areas

  • Checked - enables flat finishing operations for floors that can’t be fully machined by any of the available tools in the selected ‘Tool Source’.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not machine unmachinable floors, they will be left unmachined.

Click the checkbox to check/uncheck it.

Finishing operation ordering

  • Simple (order by type) - CAM Assist will separate floor and wall toolpaths into separate folders. This can make the program easier to understand, but can introduce additional tool changes if the same tool is used for both floors and walls.

  • Optimize (minimize tool changes) - CAM Assist will produce floor and wall toolpaths in a single folder, ordered to minimize tool changes.

Select one option.


Hole making



How to Use



How to Use

Hole operations

  • Checked - CAM Assist will compute hole making toolpaths.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not compute hole making toolpaths.

Click the checkbox to check/uncheck it.

Spot drilling

These features are under development and will be available soon.

Threaded holed




How to Use



How to Use

Deburring operation

  • Checked - CAM Assist will compute deburring toolpaths.

  • Unchecked - CAM Assist will not compute deburring toolpaths.

Click the checkbox to check/uncheck it.

Preferred tool

Enables you to set the preferred tool for deburring operations

The choices are:

  • Ball mill

  • Chamfer mill


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