Machine parameters Section
The ‘Machine parameters’ section of the General Tab is expandable/collapsible; it contains the following:
Machine settings
Machining mode selection
Machine settings
The following table describes each feature in the ‘Machine parameters' section, as shown in the screenshot above.
Description | How to Use |
Shows the machine that will be used for the part. The machine is configured within Mastercam but there is a set of properties that CAM Assist requires to compute toolpath strategies. Follow the instructions to the right to check/amend the CAM Assist ‘Machine properties’.
Machining mode
Depending on which Machining mode is selected, the layout of the ‘Machine parameters’ section changes, as shown in the following side-by-side screenshots.
Layout if the ‘3 Axis’ Machining mode is selected
Layout if the ‘3+2 Axis’ Machining mode is selected
3+2 Machining mode choices
As can be seen from the above screenshot, CAM Assist provides the following 3+2 Machining mode choices:
3+2 Axis - if selected then a Machining direction is required:
Aligned to X, Y, Z axes - the tool orientation will use the +X, -X, +Y, -Y, and +Z axes coordinates from the part model.
User defined - the tool orientation comes from the orientation specified by the user. When this selection is made, additional controls in the Setup orientation section.
Automatic - automatic 3+2 strategies are in preview state. Access to this functionality is available on request.
For detailed step-by-step instructions on using all four choices, see Machining modes in the 'How-to Guides' section.