This page provides a record of all the ‘features’, ‘improvements', and ‘fixes’ contained within CAM Assist releases.
For Fusion update 2.0.20256, CAM Assist may not be visible in the MANUFACTURE > MILLING space. To correct this, follow these steps:
In Fusion, go to UTILITIES > ADD-INS > Scripts and Add-Ins > Add-Ins
Find the CAMAssist Add-in, and Select it
Hit the Stop button
Hit the Run button
CAM Assist will be back in the MANUFACTURE > MILLING space (for the active session).
CAM Assist will now provide more visibility around the source of the cutting parameters used in toolpath generation. There are three options:
Only use tools with defined presets.
Use tools with presets if set but fall back on AI generated cutting parameters.
Use all tools available, with AI generated cutting parameters.
When running with settings that will use CAM Assist Cutting Parameters, a slider will now be shown that allows pre-configuration of all output. Previously this adjustment could only be done for individual calculated toolpaths, but the new slider will be applied to all toolpaths generated.
Moving the slider to the left, towards ‘Tool life’ will produce more conservative results; moving to the right, towards ‘Productivity’ will produce more aggressive results.
Multiple tool libraries are now available in CAM Assist runs.
Local, built-in, and cloud libraries can be selected in the General tab. In the Tool use tab, choose the selected library to view/edit.
If more than 500 tools are selected, a warning message will be displayed:
New Material selection workflow:
Materials are now selected in the Tool Use tab.
Stock material and Stock material alloy now used to define material.
Material selection now synchronized to the selections available in Cutting Parameters Explorer.
This effectively triples the number of default materials that can be used with CAM Assist.
Material selection now persistent.
Note - For user-defined use generic alloy.
Cycle time estimates can now be directly generated from CAM Assist. Previously Cycle Time Estimates were only available through the distinct Cycle Time Estimator flow. Now, a cycle time estimate can be generated immediately after CAM Assist has run. This feature can be enabled in the General tab, under the CloudNC CAM Assist run behaviour options
Helical boring tools are now supported by Cutting Parameters
Ball end mills are now supported for wall finishing operations
The synchronisation between the Cycle Time Estimator and the toolpath tree has been improved to ensure reliable and real time updates to the exported data.
The probing tab has been removed from the plug in, even when there is a probe present in the user’s tool database.
Release date: 9 September 2024
Update to the running in the background presentation
Bug fixes
Cycle Times Estimator will now pick up more parts without defined setups
Various bug fixes and UI updates
Release date: 31 July 2024
Cloud Tool Libraries: Users can now access their cloud tool libraries via CAM Assist, alongside their local tools.
Fusion API Fix: Users encountered errors when using CAM Assist and Cutting Parameters Explorer due to outdated machine file formats. This was caused by a recent update to Fusion's API, which inadvertently broke compatibility with older machine files.
The machine file format has been updated to be fully compatible with the latest Fusion API. This ensures that both CAM Assist and Cutting Parameters Explorer function correctly without any errors.
Release date: 18 July 2024
New tool supported - added support for Spot drills.
2D diagrams added: introduced 2D diagrams for chamfering and deburring.
Cutting Parameters
Top banner - the top banner (menu) has been reduced by 50% to provide more space and enhance visibility.
Automatic unit system application - Cutting Parameters can now receive information from CAM Assist and automatically apply the specified unit system (metric/imperial).
Retract heights - we have rectified the issue that CAM Assist had with the new Fusion release around the retract heights within individual toolpaths. This should resolve usability issues with CAM Assist since it was introduced.