Creating a Support Ticket

Creating a Support Ticket

A support ticket is created inside the Product Support page. For details of how to get to the page, see How to Contact Product Support.

What is a support ticket?

A support ticket is a record of interactions between CloudNC’s Product Support team and a customer. Creating a support ticket within the Product Support page is the first step in that record.

For customers, a support ticket provides an efficient, individualized method to connect with CloudNC support to get issues resolved, questions answered, and suggestions heard.

  1. Go to the Product Support portal

  2. Click on the Technical Support option (as shown in the screenshot to the right).

    • The ‘Technical Support’ form is displayed (see below).


Within the Product Support ‘Technical Support’ form (see the image to the right):

  1. What can we help you with? is automatically populated with ‘Technical support’.

Complete the following information:

  1. Summary - enter a brief summary of the reason for creating this ticket.

    1. As you type, a list of ‘Suggested articles’ is displayed just below ‘Summary’, which may contain useful information.

    2. Click on any of the suggested articles; each one is displayed in a separate browser tab.

    3. If any of the articles contains the information needed, then it might no longer be necessary to create a ticket; if this is the case, click ‘Cancel’ to close the ticket (no part of it will be sent or saved).

  2. Description - enter a detailed description of the reason for creating the ticket. This will help the CloudNC Support team to provide an effective and timely response.

  3. Which product are requesting support for? - from the drop-down list, select the relevant product.

  4. Attachment - attach any screenshots or files that may be useful.

  5. Operating System Family - from the drop-down list, select the operating system you are using.

  6. Operating System Version - select the version of the operating system you are using.

  7. Share with - this control is not yet functional. It can be left as the default, 'No one’.


  1. Click Send.

After clicking Send, an email is sent from product-support@cloudnc.com stating that the ticket has been created. Any reply to this email will be recorded as part of the ticket.



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