Using the Cycle Time Estimator: an Example
This page provides step-by-step instructions on using the Cycle Time Estimator to create estimates for three part files.
The example takes you through the entire process, which includes the following:
Though the example used here makes use of just 3 specific part files, you can use the Cycle Time Estimator with up to 10 part files of your choice.
Key points
While using the Cycle Time Estimator, there are a couple of key points to keep in mind:
One part per file - each part file contains the configuration for one part.
Part files do not need defined setups - this applies to all part files that are selected in the Cycle Time Estimator.
However, if setups are defined within any of the files then the Cycle Time Estimator will use them.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Opening the Cycle Time Estimator
2. Selecting part files
In this example, the part files are stored in a folder called ‘GettingStartedParts’.
Part folder:
You can use any folder name of your choice.
The folder can be in any location accessible to the Cycle Time Estimator.
The folder can contain as many part files as you want, but the Cycle Time Estimator will only select the first 10 (sorted alphanumerically).
Part files in the selected folder will be overwritten when the Cycle Time Estimator runs.
Click the Folder Path icon
A Mastercam ‘Browse For Folder’ dialog appears.
Within the ‘Browse for Folder’ dialog:
Navigate to the folder containing your part files.
Check that the folder’s name is displayed in the ‘Folder' textbox.
Click OK.
On clicking ‘OK’:
The path of the selected folder is displayed in the ‘Folder Path’ textbox
The part files in the selected folder are shown in the ‘Parts’ section.
3. Setting the ‘Options’ for the machining environment
Tool library - select a tool library from the drop-down list.
Stock material - select a material from the drop-down list.
Machining mode - select ‘3 Axis’ or ‘3+2 Axis’.
Click Run.
4. Examining the cycle time estimates
Check the estimated ‘Total’ time, ‘Machine Group’ times, and ‘Faces Machined’ for each part.
5. Examining the computed toolpaths in Mastercam
Click the Open Document icon
for a part
The part opens in Mastercam.
Then, in Mastercam:
Click the ‘Toolpath’ view.
The screenshot to the right shows Mastercam’s ‘Toolpath’ view for the example ‘Demo 1’ part.
6. Exporting the cycle time estimates
For each part that you want to be included in the exported CSV file:
Checkbox - check the part's checkbox.
The screenshot to the right shows the three part files used in this example (here, all of the part files have been checked).
Quantity - enter the quantity of parts that you plan to machine.
The estimates are updated accordingly.
File Name - enter the ‘File Name’ for the export.
Folder Path - check if the stated ‘Folder Path’ is correct
If not correct, see Changing the folder path (below).
Click Export Results.
The CSV file is created.
The export confirmation dialog is displayed.
Click OK.
Changing the folder path
Click the Folder Path icon
A Mastercam ‘Browse For Folder’ dialog appears.
Within the ‘Browse for Folder’ dialog:
Navigate to the folder where you want to save the export.
Check that the folder’s name is displayed in the ‘Folder' textbox.
Click OK.