Roughing Strategy Troubleshooting

Roughing Strategy Troubleshooting

This page is under construction. It refers to our Next Gen Roughing Strategy, which is only available to a small number of customers in Early Access mode.


The Roughing Strategy is based on the Finishing Strategy for the part. If a surface of the part cannot be finished by CAM Assist from the selected orientations, then in some cases this means that the surrounding area will not be roughed either.

Furthermore, the direction of the roughing toolpath is currently limited to be the same as the finishing toolpath. Since our finishing strategy aims to minimise the number of machining planes, then this can have a knock on effect on the roughing strategy.

There are several possible causes:

  • The toolset does not contain a sufficient number of finishing tools

  • CAM Assist Finishing Strategy does not support the feature

  • CAM Assist Finishing Strategy choose a different tool orientation than you expected, which has a knock on effect on Roughing.

It can be helpful to look at the finishing strategy first in order to understand the machining directions that will be used for roughing. Note, even if you have turned off finishing toolpaths, the finishing strategy is still generated in the background in order to inform the roughing strategy that is needed.


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