

The ‘Roughing' section of the Advanced Tab provides a granular level of control for the ‘stock to leave’ aspect of the roughing toolpath, and provides ‘hole patching’ to prevent roughing passes from attempting to cut into holes.

The options in this section are only displayed if the ‘Bulk roughing’ Toolpath type is checked (see the Toolpath types section).

For examples and guidance on each of the Roughing features, see Using the ‘Roughing’ section.

Roughing section


The following table describes each option in the Roughing section, as shown in the above screenshot.







Hole Patching

Checked (default) - CAM Assist uses ‘Bodies’ to fill in holes to prevent roughing passes from attempting to cut into them. This can be important for efficiency and ensuring surface finish and part tolerances.

The ‘Bodies’ can be seen in the Fusion browser, under ‘Models', as shown on the image to the right.

Unchecked - CAM Assist will not prevent roughing passes from cutting into the holes.


Model ‘Bodies’

Radial stock to leave value

Set the radial stock to leave for roughing operations.

Use the up-down arrows to increment/decrement the current value respectively.


Axial stock to leave value

Set the axial stock to leave for roughing operations.

Use the up-down arrows to increment/decrement the current value respectively.


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