Choose File(s) Tab
Mastercam files (*.MCAM) run through the Cycle Time Estimator need to have at least one Machine Group defined, including the Master Model and the Stock defined. If there are existing toolpaths on the files, there will be performance effects in the Cycle Time Estimation process.
For an example of how to use the Choose File(s) tab, see Using the Cycle Time Estimator: an Example.
The Choose file(s) tab contains the following sections that can be collapsed or expanded:
About Cycle Time Estimator - shows the version number.
Parts - enables you to specify the ‘Folder Path’ that contains the part files (see ‘Parts’ section, below).
The Cycle Time Estimator will calculate an estimation for each of the part files in the folder.
Once the folder is loaded, the MCAM files available will be shown.
Use the red 'Remove part' button
to remove any pats in the queue from being estimated.
Options - contains drop-down boxes that enable you to specify the machining environment (see ‘Options’ section, below)
Run - after you have specified the ‘Folder Path’, clicking Run will:
Create a cycle time estimate for each of the files listed under ‘Parts’ in the Cycle Times Estimates tab.
Add the item for export in the Export tab.
Tooltips contain useful information on the purpose and use of features within the ‘Upload' tab. To see a tooltip, just hover over a feature.
‘Parts’ section
The ‘Parts’ section enables you to upload/select up to 10 part files in a specified folder.
When the Cycle Time Estimator is opened there are no files listed under ‘Parts’.
Files are added to the list via the Folder icon to the right of ‘Folder Path’, which then shows a ‘Browse for Folder' dialog.
Each file ran through the Cycle Time Estimator together will need to use the same Options, so when arranging files into folders, break up folders by machining mode (3-axis or 3+2 files) and material.
The screenshot to the right shows three files that have been added to the list of selected parts.
The following table details all of the features of the ‘Parts' section.
Feature | Description |
Folder path | The path of the selected folder (read-only). |
The Folder icon is used to select the folder that contains the part files. The files in the folder are added to the ‘Part list' (see below). | |
The Refresh icon should be used if the part files in selected folder has changed since you used the Folder icon and you want those parts to be shown in the ‘Part list’. | |
[Part list] | A list of the parts in the selected folder. |
Next to each part file is the Remove file icon, which is used to remove the associated file from the Part list. |
‘Options’ section
The ‘Options’ section enables you to specify the environment for which the cycle time estimation and toolpath strategy computation will take place.
The following table details all of the features of the ‘Options' section.
Feature | Description |
Tool library | The library that will be used to calculate the estimated cycle time and a toolpath strategy for each of the uploaded files, listed under ‘Selecting files’. | |
The Folder icon is used to specify an alternative folder that contains your tool libraries. | ||
The Refresh icon should be used if the content of the Tool library has changed since you opened the Cycle Time Estimator or used the Folder icon. | ||
Tool summary | The number of tool assemblies in the selected ‘Tool library’. | |
Stock material | CAM Assist will select tools, machining strategies, and cutting parameters (or cutting data presets) based on the selected material. | |
Machine parameters | Set the machine parameters for more accurate estimation results. Define these variables based on the machine that would be used to produce the part(s) used. Values that can be configured in the Machine parameters are:
| |
Machining mode |